

1. 宝贝,饿了吧?妈妈给你冲点儿奶粉吧。

Baby, are you hungry? Let mummy prepare some milk formula for you.

2. 我先用肥皂把手洗干净。

Let me wash my hands with soap first.

3. 然后烧点儿水。

Then I’m going to boil some water.

4. 打开水龙头,把水壶接满水。

Let me run the tap and fill the kettle with water.

5. 注意水不能超过水位线,不然水开的时候会从壶里扑出来。

Make sure we don’t fill more water than what the marker suggests. Otherwise, the boiling water could overflow out of the kettle.


Turn on the kettle. There you go.

7. 水开了。往奶瓶里先倒点凉白开,再兑点儿开水,把水兑成温的。

The water is boiled. Let’s pour some cooled boiled water into your milk bottle, and then add in some hot water to make it warm.


8. 看看奶瓶上的刻度,我们需要大约150毫升水。水多了,倒出去一点。

Check the scale on the bottle. We need about 150ml (milliliters) of water. That’s too much. Let’s pour some out.

9. 现在,我们拿出奶粉里附带的小勺。

Now, let's take out the scoop that comes with the formula.

10. 舀满满一勺奶粉,加到水里。一共需要三勺。

Scoop up a full scoop of milk powder and add it into the water. We need three scoops in total.

11. 然后,我们把瓶盖拧上,慢慢摇匀。

Then, let’s screw the cap on tight (screw on the cap tightly) and shake well.

12. 别着急,宝贝。马上就好了。

Be patient, baby. The milk will be ready in a second.

13. 我看看,嗯,奶粉已经完全溶解在水里了。

Let me check. Good. The powder is completely dissolved in the water.

给宝宝冲奶粉可能用到的英文 第2张

14. 好了,宝贝,快过来喝奶吧。

Okay, baby. Come and enjoy your milk.

15. 别分心。继续喝。

Don't get distracted. Keep on drinking.

16. 喝饱了吗?还剩一点儿。喝不完一会儿就得倒掉哦。

Are you full? There is still a little bit left. We will have to pour it away if you don’t finish it.

17. 我差点忘了把奶粉桶盖紧,放到阴冷干燥的地方。

I almost forgot to close the milk powder can and store it in a cool dry place.

18. 宝爸,给宝宝热奶粉千万不能用微波炉,不然会破坏里面的蛋白质。

Daddy, please never use the microwave to reheat the formula. It could damage the protein in it.

19. 宝爸,你可以把奶瓶放到一盆热水里泡热。

Daddy, you could reheat the formula by putting the bottle into a tub of hot water.

20. 宝爸,给宝宝喝之前千万记得先试一下温度,不然会烫到宝宝的。

Daddy, always remember to test the temperature before feeding the baby. Otherwise it could burn the baby.

给宝宝冲奶粉可能用到的英文 第3张

