


The golden week is half way through, are you and your kids already feeling the post holiday blue
以往,我們提到“節日綜合症”,好像一般都想到成人。但實際上近年來,這種“節日綜合症”卻越來越多的發生在孩子們的身上。你知道為什麼嗎?父母的心理狀態會對孩子形成感染。 這些負面影響會給兒童生理和心理狀態帶來壓力,導致孩子們在過節期間一系列的不適感。
Post Holiday Syndrome is not only happening on adults, actually its getting more and more common with kids in recent year. As parents’ mood swing have a huge impact on their kids, and the blue is contagious.
孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第2張
孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第3張

Today we gonna share some tips to help you and your family to beat the blue and have a happy healthy holiday.

孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第4張
First things first, get enough lar schedules help children fall asleep more easily at night. Part of the bedtime routine can include tidying up your child’s room to create a sense of calm and organization. Also, Don’t let your kids sleep in too much during holiday, 9 hours sleep is the best. 第二,不要讓孩子長時間看電視和上網,以防孩子過度沉迷,導致生活不規律。
孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第5張
Second, set screen time t screen time, even when your kids complain of being bored. 第三,適當的運動是緩解“兒童節日綜合症”的關鍵。帶有“親子”色彩的家庭活動,是不錯的選擇哦。“親子活動”增加了家庭活動的樂趣,和孩子一起做些家務,整理換季衣物就是不錯的選擇。
孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第6張
Third, be seasonal chores with your kids. 另外,對於運動,建議選擇孩子喜歡的運動方式。給孩子安排的運動項目不要太枯燥,要以玩好為目標。利用假期時間養成良好的運動習慣,孩子們的運動應以有氧運動為主。還應該注意運動的量,每天應保持30分鐘到1小時左右的運動時間。應該循序漸進,可以從短時間運動開始,逐漸增加運動量和運動時間。早期應該避免劇烈運動,以免兒童運動後食量突然增大。
孩子患上“節日綜合症”怎麼辦? 第7張

Last but not the least, move smartly.A moving child is a learning child. Children need 30 minutes to 1 hour of play with moderate to vigorous activity every day to grow up to a healthy weight.

